Label View Settings
  • 05 Aug 2024
  • 2 Minutes to read
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Label View Settings

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Article summary

This article applies to these versions of LandingLens:

LandingLensLandingLens on Snowflake

General Settings

When you click to open an image, you can manage the labels of that image. This view is called label view. There are several settings in this view, as described in the table below.

Each project type has its own settings. For more information on those settings, refer to the relevant article based on your project type: Object Detection, Classification, or Segmentation.
Label View Settings
IconSettingDescriptionKeyboard Shortcut
Back Navigate back to the Build page.
Previous/Next Go to the previous or next image.
PanClick and drag to move the image. Using this tool does not affect any labels. a
UndoUndo the last action.Ctrl+Z (for Windows)
Command+Z (for Mac)

RedoRedo the last action you undid.Shift+Ctrl+Z (for Windows)
Shift+Command+Z (for Mac)
Remove All LabelsRemove all labels from the image. This action cannot be undone.
EnhanceAdjust the brightness and contrast of the image when labeling images. This adjustment will not impact the original image files.  
HideHover over this icon to hide your labels. (hold) h
LabelsToggle on or off your labels.g
PredictionsToggle on or off the model's predictions.p
ZoomAdjust the size of the image. Zoom in: =
Zoom out: -
Zoom to fit: 0
Zoom to 100%: 1
Image detailsDisplay or hide information about the image. From this panel, you can also assign splits, tags, and metadata to the image.
Keyboard shortcutsDisplay or hide the keyboard shortcuts./
Select classSelect the class you want to label with.c
No classUse this option if there are no objects to detect in the image.

Image Details Settings

When you click the i icon, the image details panel displays. On this panel, you can view information about the image, assign splits, and add tags and metadata to the image. 

Click the "i" Icon to View the Image Details 
IDThe unique ID of the image. You can enter this ID in the Media ID filter on the Build page to display this image. This ID can also be used as the "media_ID" in APIs.
DimensionsThe dimensions of the image in pixels.
UploadedApproximately when the image was uploaded. Hover over the timeframe to see the exact date and time of upload.
SplitThe image was divided into this subset during model training. You can split the image into a different subset by selecting one. LandingLens will consider this selection the next time you train your model. For more information on splits, go here.
TagsApply tags (keywords) to the image. Using tags helps you organize and filter images in your dataset. For more information on tags, go here.
MetadataApply metadata to the image. Metadata functions similarly to tags for filtering images. However, users can only choose from a predefined set of options when using metadata. 
LabelsView the x and y coordinates of the ground truth label.
PredictionsView the x and y coordinates of the model's prediction and the model's Confidence Score. You can click JSON to view the JSON format, which is useful if you need to process or integrate the prediction data programmatically. 

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