LandingEdge Settings
  • 07 May 2024
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LandingEdge Settings

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Article summary

If you don't see a feature described in this article, you might be on an outdated version of LandingEdge. Install the current version to get the latest features.

The LandingEdge Settings module has key information about your instance of LandingLens. 

To open Settings:

  1. Click the Settings (gear) icon in the top right corner of the LandingEdge homepage.
    Click the Settings Icon
  2. The general settings display. Here, you can view your LandingEdge version, download a diagnostics file, and configure the Auto Start setting.
    LandingEdge Settings


To view your version of LandingEdge:

  1. Click the Settings (gear) icon in the top right corner of the LandingEdge homepage.
  2. View your LandingEdge version in the Version section.
    LandingEdge Version

Download Diagnostics

In some cases, your Landing AI representative might ask you to share a Diagnostics file from LandingEdge. This file contains logs and other data from LandingEdge that can help resolve issues.

To download the LandingEdge diagnostics file:

  1. Click the Settings (gear) icon in the top right corner of the LandingEdge homepage.
  2. Click Download Diagnostics.
    Download Diagnostics
  3. A ZIP file is download to your computer. Email the file to your Landing AI representative. 
Do not share your Diagnostics file on any public forum, because this file might contain sensitive information. 

Auto Start

The Auto Start setting is only supported on Windows computers.

You can configure LandingEdge to start automatically when your Windows computer starts. To do this:

  1. Click the Settings (gear) icon in the top right corner of the LandingEdge homepage.
  2. Select the Start LandingEdge with Windows checkbox.
    Start LandingEdge at Computer Start-Up

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