LandingLens Workflow
  • 28 May 2024
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LandingLens Workflow

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Article summary

LandingLens is a cloud-based platform that allows you to develop and deploy computer vision models, all without needing a background in deep learning or artificial intelligence.

After you sign up for LandingLens, follow this workflow to create and deploy your computer vision model:

  1. Create a project.
  2. Upload images to that project.
  3. Create classes.
  4. Label your images.
  5. Train your model.
  6. Review the predictions. If needed, improve your dataset, retrain your model, and repeat until you're happy with your model's performance.
  7. Deploy your model.

LandingLens Video Walk-Through

Learn how to use LandingLens directly from Andrew Ng, the Founder of LandingAI! In the following video, Andrew Ng walks you through the process of creating a computer vision model in LandingLens. He explains how to upload images, train a model, and test it on new images it has never seen before!

Want to see more videos about how to use LandingLens? Check out our Video Tutorial Library!

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