Member Roles
  • 28 May 2024
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Member Roles

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Article summary

Users in LandingLens are called members. Only members can access LandingLens. LandingLens offers the following types of member roles: Collaborators, Admins, and Owners.

The following table compares the defining features of each role:

Access the Plan & Billing page
Access the Usage page
Access the Members page
Access the API Key page
Deactivate members
Change Collaborators to Admins
Change the roles of all members


An organization can have multiple Collaborators.

Users with this role have limited access to LandingLens. They can create projects, upload images, deploy models, and more.

Collaborators don't have access to the administrative pages (Plan and Billing, Usage, Members, and API Key). For example, the following screenshot shows what a Collaborator sees in their User Menu.

Collaborators Don't See the Administrative Settings


An organization can have multiple Admins.

Users with this role have all the access as Collaborators and:

  • Can access the administrative pages
  • Can change Collaborators to Admins
  • Can deactivate members
  • Can access the administrative pages (Plan and Billing, Usage, Members, and API Key). For example, the following screenshot shows that an Admin can see the administrative pages in their User Menu.
Admins and Owners Can Access the Admin Pages


An organization can have up to three Owners. The user who creates an organization is automatically assigned to the Owner role.

Users with this role have all the access as Admins and can change the roles of all other members. 

Only organizations created after October 10, 2023 will automatically assign the Owner role to the organization creator. If your organization was created before this date, and you would like to assign someone to the Owner role, contact your LandingAI representative.

If your organization doesn't have the Owner role, Admins can deactivate members.

Change Member Role

Owners can change the roles of any member. Admins can "upgrade" Collaborators to Admins, but they can't change any other roles.

To change the role of another member:

  1. Click the User Menu and select Members.
    Open the Members Page
  2. Locate the account of the member. (You may need to search for the member to narrow down the list of users.)
  3. Click the Settings button (vertical ellipses) and select Change User Role To Admin or Change User Role To Collaborator.
    Make the Member an Admin
  4. The new role is assigned to the member.

Change Ownership

An Owner can transfer ownership to an Admin. "Transferring ownership" means that the Admin becomes the Owner. As a reminder, an organization can have up to three Owners.

To transfer Ownership:

  1. Click the User Menu and select Members.
    Open the Members Page
  2. Locate the account of the member. (You may need to search for the member to narrow down the list of users.)
  3. Click the Settings button (vertical ellipses) and select Transfer Organization Ownership.
    Make the Member the Owner
  4. That user becomes the Owner, and you become an Admin.
Ownership can only be transferred to an Admin. If you want a Collaborator to become the Owner, you must first "upgrade" them to an Admin role.

Automatic Logout

A member is automatically logged out of LandingLens after 30 days of inactivity.

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