Training Information
  • 16 Jan 2025
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Training Information

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Article summary

This article applies to these versions of LandingLens:

LandingLensLandingLens on Snowflake

Clicking a model on the Models page opens the Training Information tab. This tab shows basic information about the model and the dataset it was trained on. 

Highlights include:

Training Information

Training Information, Continued

1Loss Chart

The Loss chart is calculated on the Train split, which is the split that the model trains on.

During model training, LandingLens calculates the error between the ground truth and the predictions, which is called loss. This chart shows the loss over time (in seconds).

If the model improves during the training process, the line goes down toward 0 over time.

2Validation ChartThe Validation chart is calculated on the Dev split. This chart displays when the model was trained using Custom Training and the Dev split has at least 6 images.

If the model improves during the validation process, the line goes up over time. The line will look slightly different for each project type because each uses a different validation metric:
  • Object Detection: mAP (Mean Average Precision)
  • Segmentation: mIoU (mean Intersection over Union)
  • Classification: F1 score
3Trained FromThe name of the dataset snapshot that the model was trained on.
4SplitShows how many images are in each split.
5View ImagesClick View Images to see the dataset snapshot that the model was trained on.
The configurations used to train the model.
For Fast Training (default configuration), this includes Hyperparameters, which are the number of epochs and model size.
For Custom Training (customized configuration), this also includes any Transforms and Augmentations. For more information about these configurations, go to Custom Training.

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