Validation with LandingLens
  • 13 Apr 2023
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Validation with LandingLens

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Article summary

Companies in the medical device, pharmaceutical, and life science industries are highly-regulated. The FDA and other regulatory organizations require that these companies validate each version of their software to ensure that it functions as expected.

However, many cloud-based software applications are automatically upgraded on a regular basis—sometimes even daily—to continuously provide new features and updates. Regulated companies can't use these applications, because they wouldn't be able to validate each version.

To solve this problem, Landing AI now offers the option to choose a six-month release cycle. This version has the same features and functionality as the core version of LandingLens, but will only be updated every six months. 

Landing AI will share Release Notes for the upcoming upgrade over one month in advance, so that users have ample time to validate the changes to LandingLens. To learn the full details of this program, check out Reduce Validation Complexity with LandingLens

This Validation Support Center offers documentation for the validation version of LandingLans.

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