LandingLens Workflow
  • 20 Dec 2022
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LandingLens Workflow

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Article summary

LandingLens Workflow

LandingLens is an all-in-one visual detection platform that allows you to train, test, and deploy your deep learning Model. 

This is a high-level overview of developing your Model.

  1. Create a Project.
  2. Upload images to that Project.
  3. Create Classes.
  4. Label your images.
  5. Train your Model.
  6. Review the predictions.
  7. Improve your dataset, retrain your Model, and repeat until your Model performs at the desired level.
  8. Deploy your Model.

 For more information about each step of the process, click the relevant hyperlink to learn more.

Quick LandingLens Video Walk-Through 

This video walks you through the Model creation process, from uploading images to your Project to testing its performance by showing the Model images it has never seen before.

In-Depth LandingLens Video Walk-Through 

This video walks you through the Model creation process, from uploading images to your Project to training your Model. This video includes helpful tips on how to label and use keyboard shortcuts.

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