Post-Processing Transform YAML References
  • 21 Dec 2022
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Post-Processing Transform YAML References

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Article summary

The sections in this article are the available post-processing transforms.


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: Converts a binary segmentation mask to the image-level OK/NG result based on a percentage of pixels greater than the probability threshold.
  • Properties:
    • probability_threshold:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: None
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    • area_percent_threshold:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: None
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: Transform that filters boxes of a particular class depending on the dimensions.
  • Properties:
    • defect_map:
      • Type: String
    • height_threshold:
      • Type: Integer
      • Default: None
      • Minimum: 0
    • width_threshold:
      • Type: Integer
      • Default: None
      • Minimum: 0
    • to_ignore:
      • Type: Array
      • Items:
        • Type: String
    • filter_slim:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: True
    • filter_short:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: True
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: Zeroes out mask values above 0 whose area is below a certain threshold. The threshold can be applied per category.
  • Properties:
    • area_percent_threshold:
      • anyOf:
        • Type: Number
        • Default: 0.0
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 1
      • Type: Array
        • MinItems: 1
        • Default: [0.0]
        • Items:
          • Type: Number
          • Minimum: 0
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: Zeroes out mask_scores that are below a certain threshold. The threshold can be applied per category.
  • Properties:
    • score_threshold:
      • anyOf:
        • Type: Number
        • Default: 0.5
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 1
      • Type: Array
        • MinItems: 1
        • Default: [0.5]
        • Items:
        • Type: Number
        • Minimum: 0
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: Transforms an Object Detection output into a Classification output by taking the bounding box with the highest score. If the key label is passed keyword argument, this transform will ignore it.
  • Properties:
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: Transforms a multi-class Segmentation output into a Classification output. The Segmentation output can be in terms of both probabilities (using the mask_scores keyword argument) and indices (using mask keyword argument). If both mask and mask_scores are provided, we will going to use mask to compute this transform. If the key label is passed keyword argument, this transform will ignore it.
    This transform does not check for pixel connections before computing the predicted area
  • Properties:
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1


  • Type: Object
  • Category: Postprocessing
  • Description: WarpPerspective performs 4 point transformation of a region in the input image. (Reference)
  • Properties:
    • original_roi:
      • Type: array
      • Default: 0
      • Items:
        • Type: Number
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 1
    • dest_roi:
      • Type: Array
      • Default: 0
      • Items:
        • Type: Number
        • Minimum: 0
        • Maximum: 1
    • always_apply:
      • Type: Boolean
      • Default: False
    • p:
      • Type: Number
      • Default: 1.0
      • Minimum: 0
      • Maximum: 1

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