Project Types
  • 14 Mar 2023
  • 1 Minute to read
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Project Types

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Article summary

Project Types Overview

LandingLens offers these Project Types to help you label your images:

  • Object Detection: Use to identify one or more objects in an image.
  • Classification: Use to categorize (or "classify") the content of an image. The difference between Object Detection and Classification is that Classification can only be used to identify the image as a whole, whereas Object Detection can be used to identify one or more objects within an image. This means that Classification looks at all the pixels in an image, while Object Detection only looks at the pixels within the label.
  • Segmentation: Use to specify exact pixels to identify one or more regions within an image.

When to Use Each Project Type

Each Project Type is also designed for different use cases: 

Project TypeWhen to UseExamples
Object Detection
  • You want to identify multiple objects in an image.
  • You want to identify one object in an image.
Identify multiple objects in an image.
  • Scratches and missing parts on a laptop
  • Apples and bananas
Identify one object in an image.
  • Deer
  • Person
  • License plate frame
  • You want to identify all the content within an image.
  • You want to distinguish one object type from another.

Identify all content within an image.
  • Image of a city
  • Image of a basketball
Distinguish one object type from another. 
  • Screws vs. nails
  • Cats vs. dogs
  • You need to be precise.
  • You need to identify one or more regions in an image.
  • Identify cracks on computer monitors 

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