Start Jobs with LandingLens CLI
  • 21 Dec 2022
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Start Jobs with LandingLens CLI

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Article summary


You can start jobs with LandingLens CLI or Python SDK. Launching jobs via LandingLens CLI has these advantages:

  • Programmatically initiate jobs
  • Fine-tune Model hyperparameters
  • Apply custom transformations in pre- and post-processing
The maximum number of runnings jobs on the Project-level is 10. If you have 10 jobs running, then launching a new job will fail.

Initiate Source Codes

In a new local folder, run the following:

llens model init object-detection  # or segmentation

This will create the following files and folders that contain source codes to launch a LandingLens CLI job:

├── custom
│   ├──
│   └──
├── test
│   └──
├── train.yaml
└── transforms.yaml

Configure Jobs

To configure your job:

  1. Configure the train specifications.
  2. Create and apply custom transformations.

Launch Train-Evaluation Jobs


llens model train <FOLDER> --dataset-id <DATASET_ID> --job-name <JOB_NAME> (--job-description <JOB_DESCRIPTION>)


FOLDERThe directory that contains train.yaml and transforms.yaml. If you are in the same folder of these files, you can use “.” to denote the current folder.
DATASET_IDDataset ID number. You can find the ID of an exported dataset from LandingLens Platform under Data > Actions (horizontal ellipses) > Exported Dataset.
JOB_NAMEThe name of the job.
(Optional) JOB_DESCRIPTIONThe description of the job.

Launch Evaluation-Only Jobs


llens model eval <FOLDER> --dataset-id <DATASET_ID> --train-job-id <TRAIN_JOB_ID> --job-name <JOB_NAME> \
    (--job-description <JOB_DESCRIPTION>)


FOLDERThe directory that contains train.yaml and transforms.yaml. If you are in the same folder of these files, you can use “.” to denote the current folder.
DATASET_IDDataset ID number. You can find the ID of an exported dataset from LandingLens Platform under Data > Actions (horizontal ellipses) > Exported Dataset.
TRAIN_JOB_IDThe ID of the train job. You can retrieve this ID from the URL of the Model Detail page. Example:{ORG_ID/pr/{PROJ_ID}/models/view/{TRAIN_JOB_ID}.
JOB_NAMEThe name of the job.
(Optional) JOB_DESCRIPTIONThe description of the job.

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